Loans can be very beneficial to us in times of financial need. However, when we continue to borrow money from different financial resources, we end up paying out more for these high-priced loans than we originally intended. Over time, loans and credit card debt will end up costing you more than you think. Therefore, it is a good idea to understand what the true cost of borrowing is before you out a loan. This can help protect you from making too many financial mistakes in the future decide to take.
Pay Close Attention to the Terms of the Loan
The terms of your loan will cover everything that you will need to know about interest fees, how much you need to pay back each month, and what to do if you miss your due date. Be sure to check out the annual percentage rate (APR). This is the yearly percentage rate that expresses the total finance charge that will be applied to your loan for the entire term. Your APR includes the interest rate and fees. It is a complete measure of the entire loan’s cost that you will pay back over time.
Review Your Fees
Loans will usually have additional charges and fees that you may forget about. These fees will increase the total amount that you must pay back on your loan. Some of the most common types of additional fees include.
• Annual Fees – This is a fee that some credit card companies will charge their customers just for the benefit of using their card. The amount will vary from one company to the next, and they are commonly found with rewards cards or secured credit cards.
• Transfer Fees – If you need to transfer the balance of one credit card to another card with a lower interest rate, you need to make sure you know what the transfer rate will be beforehand. Sometimes the rate will jump before the introductory period is over.
• Origination Charges – This is the amount that you are charged to process your loan application, any underwriting services, and payments from the lender.
• Prepayment Penalties – If your loan has a prepayment penalty, that they will charge you if you try to make more than one payment per month, you will be charged a fee. You can also be charged a fee if you pay off your loan before it is due. This is common with some personal loans and car title loans.
Take a Closer Look at All Your Options
If you think that taking out a high-priced loan is your only option, think again. There are many financial resources out there that will not put you in further debt just by borrowing from them.
With a fixed rate loan, your interest rates and monthly payments stay the same for the entire life of your loan. This makes it easier to create a monthly budget plan so that you stay out of debt.
You may also want to consider a loan with a variable or adjustable interest rate. These loans start off with a low rate that fluctuates over time. A cap on the interest rate will help to limit the amount of money you have to pay back.
If you have more questions about making the right choice for a loan, you can speak with a representative from your bank or consult with a financial advisor.