Posts Tagged“fitness”

Keeping your body fit and in shape pays dividends at any age. When you’re very young, getting into the routine of regular exercise will have many benefits & allow you to grow into a strong and healthy adult. Having an active lifestyle can, & will, change your body for the better. Today there are many avoidable diseases young people can develop by living an unhealthy lifestyle. Ailments like diabetes and heart disease have become prevalent in young people & are directly related to the fact that they are living more sedentary lifestyles. As you get older, incorporating a fitness regimen…

The world is facing a huge health crisis, being that of obesity. This disease has also opened a whole new market, with exercise programs, diet books, and weight loss pills being purchased in their billions. In fact, there are so many out there that it is now impossible to tell which ones are genuine, and which ones are simply a marketing gimmick. There is an alternative, however, which is the gastric balloon. But can you really expect a balloon to help you to lose weight? And just how safe is it? Those are all very important questions. What Is a Gastric…

Bone is the essential thing to maintain a good body and health. Maintaining the bone is easier in the adolescence but it is difficult with the growing age. It is important to consume right food filled with high amount of protein and mineral. Many individual go through bone disease called as Osteoporosis. And as the age grows the problem grows. There are two types of osteoporosis exercises important for maintaining bone density: Weight Bearing Muscle Strengthening The combination of weight bearing and muscle strengthening is essential for the bone density to be maintained and build. Weight-bearing Exercises– These exercises includes…