Posts Tagged“business talk”

In 2014, SEO was declared officially dead. Yet, it is now 2017, and it is clear that it is anything but. What has happened, however, is that every search engine optimization agency has had to change their tactics. But that is nothing new either, since SEO has been changing since it was first developed. So what are the strategies that have to be employed this year? 1. Mobilegeddon Happened, and It Improved Things One of the reasons why people said that SEO was dead was because of Mobilegeddon. Suddenly, everything had to be optimized for mobile, which meant years of…

One could argue that it’s one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make in relation to your business. If you get expanding overseas right, your company’s profits could be more than you could have ever imagined. However, get it wrong, and years of hard, domestic graft could be down the drain. Unsurprisingly, a lot of companies decide to stay on home soil in a bid to avoid all of the risks. While the rewards can be tremendous, delving into unchartered territory certainly isn’t for the faint-hearted. To put the decision in context, moving across the United States is a huge…