Browsing CategoryHealth & Fitness

Bone is the essential thing to maintain a good body and health. Maintaining the bone is easier in the adolescence but it is difficult with the growing age. It is important to consume right food filled with high amount of protein and mineral. Many individual go through bone disease called as Osteoporosis. And as the age grows the problem grows. There are two types of osteoporosis exercises important for maintaining bone density: Weight Bearing Muscle Strengthening The combination of weight bearing and muscle strengthening is essential for the bone density to be maintained and build. Weight-bearing Exercises– These exercises includes…

New Year’s resolutions are nearly impossible to keep for a variety of reasons, not least of which is the time of year they occur. The year begins in the dead of winter, the middle of cold and flu season, when the skies are dark and dreary and bed blankets especially warm. The likelihood that you can motivate yourself to fight the blizzard to reach the gym four times a week is as low as the outdoor temperatures. Yet, just a few weeks after New Year’s, the sunlight is bright and the flowers blooming, heralding the beginning of the warm seasons.…

accessible raised garden

Whether it is a house for you, your family member, or a close friend; due to aging or other health conditions; getting around can be difficult. Here are some tips for making a home more accessible. It is important to have a space that is enjoyable for everyone. Don’t Forgot Outdoor Space Many people concentrate on indoor spaces but an accessible garden or yard can be just as crucial, fresh air is proven to be good for you. So when thinking about making a yard more accessible, you want to start with a hard flat path, that prevents slipping, tripping…

Reports suggest that around 23 percent of us are worried about costs associated with ensuring our parents or other close relatives receive the necessary care they may require in the future. Many of us have seen horror stories in the media of elderly people being forced to sell their homes to afford care, but it is believed that the elderly care situation isn’t quite as bleak as is made out. In fact, it’s thought that the number of families worried about elderly care costs could be significantly reduced through easier access to information, and a better understanding of how care…