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You don’t need much to try your hand at professional forex trading. At first, all you need to do is figure out how much you can afford to invest into your strategy and look for a broker that can help you. In the past, forex investment used to be a solution that was reserved exclusively for big companies and banks. However, as the digital world has evolved, online forex trading has emerged as an easy option for anyone. Just remember that you need more than just money to become a pro. You’ll also need to develop skill and patience in…

Extra expenses always have a way of creeping into your finances, stressing out your budget and derailing your savings plan. This is a familiar situation for more than half the population. However, it is also important to stay on top of your finances so that you keep track of what you’re spending money on – and putting a stop to those needless purchases. If you are worried about your spending habits and would like to control where the proceeds of your paycheck go every month, this article is for you. Have A Budget This is virtually the first step in…

  Loans can be very beneficial to us in times of financial need. However, when we continue to borrow money from different financial resources, we end up paying out more for these high-priced loans than we originally intended. Over time, loans and credit card debt will end up costing you more than you think. Therefore, it is a good idea to understand what the true cost of borrowing is before you out a loan. This can help protect you from making too many financial mistakes in the future decide to take. Pay Close Attention to the Terms of the Loan  The terms…

When it comes to making some extra cash on the side of your full time job then you have a few options in front of you, you could ask for a raise, you could take on a second job or you could turn to the internet for help. Asking for a raise is not always the easy thing to do and more than likely you will be told no, taking on a second job will swallow up your time and leave your private life in ruins, making money online however can be done from the comfort of a cafe or your…

If you have been slowly growing your small business, there comes a point at which you can’t grow anymore with a deliberate expansion of your office space, your geographical reach, your customer base, or perhaps by upgrading your technology or processes.  When you get to that point, there are important decisions to be made, with the question of how to finance that expansion, either by finding investors or raising capital through a cash advance being one of the most important.  Before committing to expanding your business, be sure to ask yourself some important questions to be sure that you are…

Regardless of how much you earn or how much you spend there is always room to save more money, money that could be better spent, perhaps on a trip, a special event or more money to put into a savings account for a rainy day. Even for the most frugal amongst you, there are always ways to reduce your spending and here are some tips on how you can live the same way and spend a little less. Reward Programs We often dismiss e-mails and mail through our doors as spammy or junk but very often we are missing out…

When you are starting to enter into markets and start trading, whether it be with someone like CMC markets or through another stockbroker, it can be hard to decide which is the best avenue for you to go down. Understandably, many new dealers find it frustrating and confusing that the facts are so hard to find. No Stamp Duty When dealing shares, one is subject to stamp duty due to the fact that something that is physical is changing hands. A share, is still essentially a ‘part’ of the company, and a share in it, even through a Unit Trust…

If you were to pose any sort of question regarding private equity and venture capital to someone who wasn’t investment-savvy, there’s a high probability that the two terms would become confused. Private equity and venture capital are regarded as the same type of finance by a lot of quarters when in reality, the difference couldn’t be starker. It’s for this reason that we have put together this guide. We’ll now highlight some of the differences between the two different types of funding, showing unofficial market rules which seemingly keep them apart. We should add a disclaimer here; these rules are…

Wall Street, Dow Jones, day-trader, bull-market; there are a plenty of word we hear everyday about the stock market but you would be surprised what you don’t know about these massive financial institutions. So whether you are new to the game or a seasoned pro like Keith Springer, here are some facts you probably didn’t know about the stock market. New York isn’t Home to the World’s Biggest Exchanges In terms of number of listed companies, the New York Stock Exchange is not he biggest and neither is NASDAQ! The Bombay Stock Exchange actually has the most listed companies in…

Achieving a second income is something that many of us would like to do for its financial benefits, but something that many of us feel is out of reach due to the additional time that it would take up in our lives. The good news is that there is plenty of options for you to make a second income from the comfort of your own home where you can work as and when you want to. If you don’t believe us then take a look at these options below, all of which can help you supplement your main income or…