Posts Tagged“mobile”

Do you find that you sometimes like to watch certain online video streams over and over, such as your favorite music video, or a particular video guide or tutorial that you find useful? In most cases streaming the same video repeatedly isn’t a problem – unless of course you aren’t able to connect to the internet, or you are using mobile internet and have data limitations. If that is the case then it would be ideal to save videos that you watch often so that you don’t have to constantly stream them. Although most video sharing platforms won’t hand you…

There was a time when cellular phones were as large as a brick, and had about the same appeal. Their functions were painfully basic – they could initiate and receive voice calls. Later the SMS service was added to their repertory, and that was about it. What followed was mostly cosmetic – the screens that were once monochrome have got colors, the phones got cameras and music player capabilities, and other functions – such as the ability to run Java games – that were mostly useless. Until 2007, when something important happened. The pre-iPhone era The concept of a phone…

All those dead moments on your way to work, in line at the supermarket, or at dinner during a date gone horribly wrong have been slowly filled by smartphone checking. However, you can only check Facebook so much before it becomes redundant. When this option is no longer realistic, the best games to play on your phone can help kill boredom for hours on end… 1) Shadow Fight 2 Take on all comers as a shadowy representation of a ninja fighter in the second version of this popular mobile fighting/RPG game. Hack, slash and dice your way through the competition…