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Some people aren’t cut out for the standard desk job. Luckily, you have plenty of different job options that can all be rewarding and pay the bills. If you want to try something out of the ordinary, take a look at these eight odd jobs. Image via Flickr by John Loo Nobody wants to be a bride without a bridesmaid. If you understand the needs of a bride, you can help her every step of the way as a professional bridesmaid. You’d attend all the wedding events, help the bride get ready, and make sure she looks perfect in all…

If there is one thing that Anura Leslie Perera is good at, it is at being successful. The man possesses so many diverse talents due to his endless curiosity and motivation to always improve one’s skills. He truly believes that education in a never ending process. Anura Leslie Perera Answered Africa’s Call The Sri Lankan native who was born in Colombo did his first successful stint with Caterpillar Inc. in Zambia. Working both as an engineer and sales professional for the heavy equipment manufacturer, Anura Leslie Perera became very familiar with various types of machinery like tractors, locomotives, wheel loaders,…

Driving a regular car is hard enough, and one has to pass a test that effectively demonstrates one can control the vehicle at all times. The test would include emergency braking, reversing, and other manoeuvres that a motorist would routinely make while driving. Add to this a comprehensive knowledge of signs and road regulations, and this is what passing a standard limousine driving test entails. A professional chauffeur This person does a lot more than just pilot the limousine, in fact, the chauffeur’s goal is to make the trip as pleasant as possible for their passengers. A chauffeur would always…