Posts Tagged“SEO strategy”

For any website or blog, the need for lots of well written content cannot be overstated for its ability to attract and keep readers returning. But there are components of content that are just as important as quality writing and these have as much or more impact on getting people to your site. The other main component is ensuring that your content is SEO friendly. In fact this component is so important that it warrants you to even go back and rewrite your existing content so that it is also SEO friendly. SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the Internet…

In 2014, SEO was declared officially dead. Yet, it is now 2017, and it is clear that it is anything but. What has happened, however, is that every search engine optimization agency has had to change their tactics. But that is nothing new either, since SEO has been changing since it was first developed. So what are the strategies that have to be employed this year? 1. Mobilegeddon Happened, and It Improved Things One of the reasons why people said that SEO was dead was because of Mobilegeddon. Suddenly, everything had to be optimized for mobile, which meant years of…