Posts Tagged“driving test”

If you were to get driving test tips by observing the average driver on the road you would probably fail. So, if you want to impress your test administrator and get back home with your brand new driver’s license in hand, don’t try to imitate bad driver’s habits out there, but take note of the following driving test tips. Before you turn the engine on Before you even move the car, make sure you adjust your seat, your rear view mirrors, your steering wheel, and put your seat belt on of course. When that’s done there are a few more…

Driving a regular car is hard enough, and one has to pass a test that effectively demonstrates one can control the vehicle at all times. The test would include emergency braking, reversing, and other manoeuvres that a motorist would routinely make while driving. Add to this a comprehensive knowledge of signs and road regulations, and this is what passing a standard limousine driving test entails. A professional chauffeur This person does a lot more than just pilot the limousine, in fact, the chauffeur’s goal is to make the trip as pleasant as possible for their passengers. A chauffeur would always…