Posts Tagged“business expansion”

If you have been slowly growing your small business, there comes a point at which you can’t grow anymore with a deliberate expansion of your office space, your geographical reach, your customer base, or perhaps by upgrading your technology or processes.  When you get to that point, there are important decisions to be made, with the question of how to finance that expansion, either by finding investors or raising capital through a cash advance being one of the most important.  Before committing to expanding your business, be sure to ask yourself some important questions to be sure that you are…

One could argue that it’s one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make in relation to your business. If you get expanding overseas right, your company’s profits could be more than you could have ever imagined. However, get it wrong, and years of hard, domestic graft could be down the drain. Unsurprisingly, a lot of companies decide to stay on home soil in a bid to avoid all of the risks. While the rewards can be tremendous, delving into unchartered territory certainly isn’t for the faint-hearted. To put the decision in context, moving across the United States is a huge…