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One of the joys in life is having is having a child. When a child is a baby, we pamper it and make sure that every need it has is met. As a child grows into a toddler and it begins to walk around and speak a little bit, we realize that soon the small human will turn into a fully functional and independent person. As a child grows through the early years and into a pre-teen, we begin to see a fully formed personality that we must guide and direct to become a good human being. As that young…

There is a whole host of different roles within criminal justice, jobs can differ within it massively. In this article, I will give a few examples of some of the more common job roles within this sector and a brief explanation of what they entail. It will soon become clear that there is in fact a large variety of roles within criminal justice, and different skill sets needed for each one. In the more scientific side of criminal justice, you have roles such as a crime scene investigator, forensic psychologist and forensic scientists. As a crime scene investigator you will…

Each year millions of people use various methods to try to immigrate to the United States. Depending upon the situation they either have a great chance of finding temporary residence in the United States or the chances are very slim. No matter which method is undertaken, anyone seeking to gain of these into the United States must work with an immigration lawyer to understand the process and how to navigate it successfully. If you have a visa and seek to become a permanent resident or citizen in the country, you must also go through the painstaking process of acquiring a visa…

Natural wonders show us the beauty, allure and majesty of the planet and give us some fantastic photo opportunities. As the world congregates more and more within large cities, we see less and less of these natural wonders, but when we do visit one, we are reminded of how amazing our planet is and that we need to humble ourselves in awe. These natural wonders exist all around the world, and each continent has its share. In North America, there are many that attract millions of visitors each year to experience their wonder. Here are some of the most famous…

sex crime

Whether you’re looking at a list of sex crime attorneys or you have already hired a sex crimes attorney, there are various different questions that you’ll want to ask your attorney during the interview process or first meeting. Though you may find yourself prepared for all of the questions they’ll be throwing your way regarding both yourself and the case at hand, you’ll want to make sure that you also get your questions in, as it is very important to understand what your sex crimes attorney plans to do for you as well as what to expect during the case…

All those dead moments on your way to work, in line at the supermarket, or at dinner during a date gone horribly wrong have been slowly filled by smartphone checking. However, you can only check Facebook so much before it becomes redundant. When this option is no longer realistic, the best games to play on your phone can help kill boredom for hours on end… 1) Shadow Fight 2 Take on all comers as a shadowy representation of a ninja fighter in the second version of this popular mobile fighting/RPG game. Hack, slash and dice your way through the competition…

Looking to get away on a city break this year, but can’t decide where to focus your attention. In 2015, the following places have been considered by many travel professionals to be among the best cities to visit in 2015. Soon after arrival in any of the following centers, you soon figure out what the fuss is all about… 1) Vancouver, Canada Wedged between the dramatic North Shore Mountains and the Georgia Strait, the uber modern city of Vancouver on the west coast of Canada is an urban highlight that every traveler should give at least a few days to…

Looking to mix up your look as spring 2015 kicks into gear? In order to keep on top of trends, you have to be aware of them. With that in mind, here are five trends this year that are on our radar screen… 1) 70’s style floral prints and accessories are making a comeback The bold, optimistic and confident attitude of the 70’s is weaving its way back into mainstream fashion these days, as the economy and people’s moods continue to recover from the funk of the past few years. Flower dresses, John Lennon sunglasses, and other disco era accessories…

In the past year, a pair of trends have led to a dramatic reversal of positions in the global currency market. The ongoing American economic recovery from the Great Recession, buoyed further by a crash in oil prices has resulted in the surge of the dollar, while the Euro has tumbled in the face of continued economic struggles and the recent decision by the European Central Bank to finally open the taps of quantitative easing. Much of the talk lately has been centered around how this is a good thing for America, but there is a dark side to having…