Posts Tagged“law”

There is a whole host of different roles within criminal justice, jobs can differ within it massively. In this article, I will give a few examples of some of the more common job roles within this sector and a brief explanation of what they entail. It will soon become clear that there is in fact a large variety of roles within criminal justice, and different skill sets needed for each one. In the more scientific side of criminal justice, you have roles such as a crime scene investigator, forensic psychologist and forensic scientists. As a crime scene investigator you will…

If you have drams of one day becoming a top litigator, attorney at law or fast-talking success-driven lawyer like Jonathan Bunge, one of Chicago’s best lawyers and partner at Quinn Emanuel then you have a long road ahead of you and it starts with getting into law school. In order to earn your place in law school you need to be whiter than white and you need to be prepared to work as hard as you passably can to stand out from the competition and secure your place. In order to ensure that you are doing enough to be accepted…