Posts Tagged“company”

If you are in the online retail space, you’ve probably heard many things about what it takes to succeed. How do you separate myths from reality, especially when everyone with a blog claims to be an expert? Below, we list the myths and realities so you can re-strategize and make your online store a success. Myth #1: If you build a great online retail business, customers will come This myth rests on the back on the often misconstrued saying that if you build a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to your door. People believe that if you…


So you want to grow your business fast! Well there is no faster way to grow your business than to purchase another existing business. You have to be careful though, because experts like Mark J. Leder caution that acquiring an existing business is rarely straight forward and often filled with risk. Here are steps to make sure you are making the right decision. 1. Do a long due diligence Your due diligence process should be deep and detailed. It begins before the target firm’s management knows you might want to acquire them. Go through everything publicly available: web pages, job…