Posts Tagged“business success”

It is not an understatement to claim that establishing and running your own business would be a walk in the park. Marc Leder had a well-paying job at Lehman Brothers after he graduated from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics. However, the ambitious fellow craved more freedom in making his own decisions. Moreover, he was highly curious about the private equity business, so in 1995, he left investment banking and his Senior Vice President position in Lehman Brothers and moved to Boca Raton, Florida to establish his own company. Together…

Being in charge of a small business in today’s day and age can be both beneficial and downright challenging. On the plus side, there are ample opportunities out there (when one knows how to seize them) to take a small business idea and run with it. On the down side, complications may arise (some under your control, some not) that can hamper your progress or even bring you down at some point and time. That said the success or failure of your small business almost always boils down to money, typically how much or how little of it that you…